UX Research Resource Library


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

This post acts as a free living library of freely-accessible resources on UX Research and UI/UX studies in general. Will be updated irregularly.

Rights go back to their respective owners and creators.

Comprehensive Libraries, Guides & Courses

Tarah Srethwatanakul’s (WhatsApp) starter resources library https://bit.ly/3I3o0fR

Google’s UX Design course on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/GoogleCareerCertificates/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=6

the UX Library https://www.uxlibrary.org/

Simon Taylor’s (Twitter) Library https://bit.ly/3sBbJZ2

Newsletters and Blogs

User Weekly by Jan Ahrend (YouTube) https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/user-weekly-this-week-in-uxr-6913443717764820992/

Ananda Nadya’s (Tokopedia) UX Sharing posts on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/anandanadya/recent-activity/documents/

Booking.com’s Booking writes Medium blog on UX Writing https://medium.com/booking-writes

UX Content Collective https://uxcontent.com/blog/

Good Microcopy https://goodmicrocopy.com/

Daily UX Writing challenges https://dailyuxwriting.com/

Content+UX Community https://contentandux.org/

The UX Writing Library https://www.uxwritinglibrary.com/

